Jorge Luis PM
I'm a 24 year old marine biologist & ecologist. At the moment I am residing in my home country (Cancún, Mexico), after having lived 5 years abroad (Brisbane, Australia).
My educational background is ever evolving. I completed my undergraduate studies at The University of Queensland (Australia), where I did a Bachelor of Marine Studies (Honours) majoring in Marine Biology & Ecology. Not long after finishing I moved back to Mexico where I have been working (and studying too!) since. Just last week, I finished a diploma in Molecular Biology Techniques... What's that you say? Basically it's a range of lab techniques and skills pertaining to work with DNA, RNA, cloning, transgenics, and all of that awesome stuff!
At the moment I am working two jobs. One of them is a webm
aster job (informatics is one of my hobbies) at an eco-friendly hotel, which is mainly to pay the bills. The other more interesting one, since a few days ago I'm serving as a technical advisor for a local conservation-centred foundation. My work in this foundation is aimed at developing a sustainable approach to produce organic foodstuffs locally. Right now I'm working in a very interesting project using aquaponics (yeah that's a real word), which is something like the combination of aquaculture & hydroponics to grow veggies & edible fish in the same system with a minimal environmental impact. Pretty cool I must say!
If my educational background and job experience seems a bit diverse wait until you read this: in a couple of months time I am going to be taking a Diploma in Environmental Law and Coastal Zone Governance . I'm doing so in order to prepare for a Masters in Environmental Law and Public Policy . However, I won't be just abandoning research like that! At the same time I will continue my career in the marine research area collaborating with an awesome lab in Japan (where I'll be moving shortly) ! As you can see my thirst of knowledge seems to be a bit unquenchable heh... I can never stop!
I decided to take on this Sustainability blog project to be able to approach environmental issues from a more "human" perspective. So far my perspective is heavily influenced by my scientific training, and sometimes I have caught myself failing to see things the way most people see it. Also, I believe this will be a good chance for me to prepare for my career in environmental law by toning down a bit the scientific lingo I'm so used to.
If my educational background and job experience seems a bit diverse wait until you read this: in a couple of months time I am going to be taking a Diploma in Environmental Law and Coastal Zone Governance . I'm doing so in order to prepare for a Masters in Environmental Law and Public Policy . However, I won't be just abandoning research like that! At the same time I will continue my career in the marine research area collaborating with an awesome lab in Japan (where I'll be moving shortly) ! As you can see my thirst of knowledge seems to be a bit unquenchable heh... I can never stop!
I decided to take on this Sustainability blog project to be able to approach environmental issues from a more "human" perspective. So far my perspective is heavily influenced by my scientific training, and sometimes I have caught myself failing to see things the way most people see it. Also, I believe this will be a good chance for me to prepare for my career in environmental law by toning down a bit the scientific lingo I'm so used to.
Regarding my sustainability interests, I must say they mainly revolve around the ocean: overfishing, ocean acidification, climate change, marine pollution, marine protected areas, etc. However, they're not limited to only these as I recognize that in the end sustainability is a very complex issue that has to be approached holistically.
Besides all this sciencey stuff, I am also a big fan of reading novels, photography (nature), CURRY, and SCUBA DIVING.
Besides all this sciencey stuff, I am also a big fan of reading novels, photography (nature), CURRY, and SCUBA DIVING.
Was a TV producer for many years until recently.
I love nature, the outdoors, and support wild life conservation causes.
I am also interested in home gardening, green living, vegan recipes, energy conservation, the issue on population.
My country, the Philippines, is currently divided on the controversial debate of Reproductive Health because of its implication on population control. My home city, Cagayan de Oro was the victim of a super typhoon that killed hundreds. The tragedy was aggravated by illegal miners silting the city's river. These issues prompted me to take a good look into the subject of Sustainability seriously.
Carsten Weerth
41 years old and living in Bremen,Germany.
Carsten is very much interested in a green way of living, how to equip his house in a sensible way, good ideas about living in urban areas in the 21st century, gardening in small gardens (wild flowers, etc.), sensitive commuting, green energy production, energy saving in the home
He studied many different approaches to education and is still very interested about life, earth and everything in between.
- BSc in Cell Biology (University of Glasgow, 1994)
- Further studies in Finances, Diplom-Finanzwirt (1999)
- PhD in Economics (2007)
- Master of Law (2012)
Right now he is pursuing lifelong learning at Open University and
His contributions could cover many topics from household (Water, entergy, gardening, Plants on Roofs, etc.) over ecology and extinction to legal aspects of sustainability.
He is currently working for Germany's Customs and Excise Service in Bremen.
Finola Prescott
St. Lucia (Caribbean)
Background: BA design, arts and crafts. Upon return to St. Lucia worked in arts, crafts and micro-biz development, traditions, heritage, community development. Have served on Boards of various arts organizations in St. Lucia and Barbados. I also blog about life in St. Lucia.
Areas of Interest: I live on a tiny island 616km/234m sq, population 165,000; tourism brings over 900,000 each year: the influence of the external world, our dependence on it, how can we afford to partake in it as equals without losing who we are -these issues interest me.. We must consider the opportunity cost - how do we maximize what we can gain from tourism without sacrificing environment and our true culture? How to we empower the population through opportunities offered by Tourism?
Sustainability for me is not ruining or using up our natural resources in pursuit of development - achieving development- physical and human- by management of resources that allows continued growth. On an island, it’s hard to be independent, we balance our relationships with much bigger powers and players, and we work with very restricted physical resources, so sustainability must involve clever, innovative use of the small resources we have coupled with astute use of diplomacy.
Background: Marmara University – Electrical Engineering “Renewable Energy Resources and Environmental Interactions”
University of Illinois – Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems
Activities :
5th World Youth Congress 2010 , Istanbul , Turkey (Activist)
6th Education Without Borders 2011 , International Student Biennal/Conference , Dubai , the United Arab Emirates “Sustainable Development in Turkey as a Developing Country Concerning Energy and Environment Interactions” (Project Owner)
European Youth Meeting for Sustainable Development 2011, Talinn , Estonia “Sustainable Development for Energy” (Facilitator)
World Energy Summit 2012 , Abu Dhabi , the United Arab Emirates “Green Energy Systems for Transportation”
3rd United Nations Alliance of Civilizations 2012 , Lisbon & Braga , Portugal “Sustainable Development for Developing Countries” (Project Owner)
Green Leaders : Sustainability – Get Started! Training Course 2012 , Mollina , Spain (Participant)
What is sustainability to you?:
Sustainability is based on a basic principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations. Sustainability is important to making sure that we have and will continue to have, the water, materials, and resources to protect human health and our environment. Sustainability will be achieved with politics challenges with social interactions as education, health and social-well being.
Northern Virginia, USA
Background: About one year of Community College. Experience with web design, I can update content and add photos to websites.
Area of Interest: Sustainability begins with the choices you and I make. I can decide to use the hair blow-dryer, or to let my hair “air-dry”. I can make choices every day to use less energy, to save and use what I have [like eating all leftovers], and to repurpose what I am able to. Then my decisions leave an impression on those around me. As I turn off unnecessary lights, for example, my fellow human beings will likewise save power and electricity. You and I, and everyone else have the power to make a difference in how we use what we have now.
nice collection of authors..everyone from coursera?